2019 Latest | McAfee MA0-103 Test - Free Practice Test Questions & Answers Dumps
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Question 1
What is the hierarchy used to resolve potental conficts between applicaton strategies?
A. Archiver > Trusted > Editor > Explorer (Explorer has the lowest ranking)
B. Archiver > Trusted > Explorer > Editor (Editor has the lowest ranking)
C. Archiver > Explorer > Editor > Trusted (Trusted has the lowest ranking)
D. Archiver > Editor > Explorer > Trusted ^Trusted has the lowest ranking)
Answer: B
Question 2
The DLP End point administrator needs to prevent sensitve data from being transmited over FTP. Which Rule can be confgured to meet this requirement?
A. File System Protecton Rule
B. Cloud Protecton Rule
C. Applicaton File Access Protecton Rule
D. Network Communicaton Protecton Rule
Answer: D
Question 3
To assist with perceived performance issues prior to product installatonn the DLP End point Administrator could prepare by
A. disabling unused modules.
B. distributng agent override codes.
C. establishing a system baseline.
D. enabling the system watch dog service.
Answer: C
Question 4
How can incident data be exported?
A. Select specifc events in DLP manager to export incident data
B. Run reports or queries to generate specifc report and export incident data
C. Use database administraton to export incident data
D. Run incident task manager to export incident data
Answer: B
Question 5
Groupings of Applicatons in McAfee DLP used in rule creaton are called
A. Enterprise Applicatons List.
B. Applicaton Inventory.
C. Applicaton Defnitons.
D. Whitelisted Applicatons.
Answer: C